Our School » Enrollment


Online Enrollment – New to District Students ONLY

Pre-enrollment for the 2024/2025 school year will be open on January 22, 2024!

Charter Oak Online Enrollment allows you to quickly start the process of enrolling a brand-new student from any internet device.  Information about the student such as emergency contacts, and medical and language information will be collected.  Upon completion, the school site is electronically notified that you have completed the process and they will be ready to take the required documents when you stop by their office.

PLEASE NOTE:  This enrollment process is NOT for students previously enrolled in any Charter Oak school.  Only NEW students starting TK/Kinder or NEW students at any grade level coming from another district need to complete this process.

Data Confirmation - mid to late July.  Look out for more information in your email and a letter sent in the mail.
In-person registration will be from 9:00am -12:00pm in our MPR on August 7 (last names A-L) and August 8 (last name M-Z).